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About Us

The Best Solutions for Best LoRaHAM LoRa-APRS LoRa-MeshCom4 LoRa-Meshtastic

Join the LoRa-Network with LoRaHAM. up to 1 Watt (+30dBm) Transmitting Power, WiFi, SMA-Connector, Battery Charger, LiPo-Port, USB-C

  • 70cm Amateur Radio Band
  • up to 1 Watt (+30dBm) Output Power
  • Full Arduino Compatible
  • ESP32-S2 with WiFi
  • Special Off/On/On Switch
  • USB-C Port
  • LiPo-Charger and Battery Port
Our Services

The Best Solutions for Best Radio Amateur LoRa-APRS LoRa-MeshtasticLoRaHAM

Be a part of the wonderful new technology based on LoRa. Open source, great community, innovative technology. Groundbreaking

Unique Hardware
Our LoRaHAM module has a powerful transmitter module with which you can easily reach your goals.
Our LoRaHAM modules have USB and can be programmed directly from the Arduino or PlatformIO programming environment.
We were the first on the market to offer radio amateurs a LoRa system with high transmission power, specifically tailored to the UHF band.
LoRaHAM reaches into space
With our hardware, we can reach amateur radio satellites equipped with LoRa without additional amplifiers
Why Choose Us

Find Out More OurFeatures Hardware OpenSource Community

We offer you a wide range of technology. Don't hesitate, start today. Now!

All our modules were extensively tested during the development phase
Idea Generate
We take into account the ideas of our community and implement the wishes in hardware
Contact the developers and we will add your idea to our project list
Success Business
The high quality of our modules is a guarantee for the success and function
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